Privacy Policy
At your privacy is our number one priority. We consequently do everything humanly possible to safeguard your personal details at all times. To ensure you understand the ramifications of visiting our informative online gambling guide, and making use of the information therein, we strongly urge you to read through our privacy policy with care.
What our Privacy Policy Covers
Our privacy policy only applies to and its team of employees. It in no way refers to the individual online casinos or casino software providers listed onsite.
Accumulation of Information and its Use
The only personal information ever gathered at is the names and email addresses of gambling enthusiasts who have signed up for our monthly email newsletter. This information is securely stored, is used for internal purposes only and is never shared with any third parties. Our web server is so designed that it is incapable of recognising the IP address, domain or email address of any visitors to our site.
Security and confidentiality and its employees are committed to a strict privacy policy that is consistently policed and enforced. At no time will the site or its team of employees request any financial or banking information from you. If for any reason at all this information is requested please contact us immediately and we’ll take the appropriate steps to root out the problem.
Anti Spam Policy
At we are committed to a strict anti spam policy. At no time will we use your personal information to send spam emails to you, our valued client, or to online casino forums, casino blogs or online gambling sites. Should any spam be detected in your inbox from our, or our employees, email address please notify us immediately and we’ll take the necessary action.
Notification of Changes
We reserve the right to make any changes to any policy posted on These changes will be implemented immediately and we will notify visitors and subscribers via email or a notice onsite.
Contact Information
Should you require any assistance or want to contact us with suggestions, feedback or criticisms, please feel free to submit an email directly from our contact us page at